Thursday 11 November 2010

Just another post...

It's been ages since I last posted on here (not that anybody actually bothers to read my blog anyway) so I figured I might as well write something.

Well it's been 15 months since having Sam. She's had her first Christmas, first Easter, and first birthday and now it's her coming upto her 2nd Christmas. I think this time it will be a lot more fun for us and for Sam. She was too young last year to know what was going on, and even though she's no idea why everybody gets presents and what the t4ree and decorations is all about etc... I think she'll really enjoy opening her own presents herself now that she's running about etc... I've already done all of Sam's present shopping, I finished it by the end of october, and there is plenty for her to be getting on with.

We've really enjoyed having her and being parents. I'd hoped to meet other mums with kids the same age as Sam so she could have some friends to play with especially now she's active.. but the local mums meet up group well let's say the mums are a good few years older and frumpier than me and I'm not keen on their kids to be honest. My other mum friends from uni are always too busy and have already got their own mum friends so that's a bit pants. Ah well... not surprised!

Then theres the job hunt! Since Sam is older and Alec's uni funding is ending in a few months I want to find a job but it's a lot harder than I had thought! Maybe it's the recession, the government cuts, or maybe my qualifications and experience just aren't enough. All I know is I have applied for over 50 jobs since mid september and I have onyl had 4 rejections and 2 interviews, the others haven't bothered let me know either way. It really annoys me when you aren't contacted the least they can do is tell you one way or another rather than letting you hang on wondering if you're going to get an interview etc...

Anyway I should probably stop my ranting now.

It'll probably be ages before I post again from forgetting or having no time due to baby duties.

Au revoir

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Well here's the baby scan photo from 21 weeks. I'm now 34 weeks so I don't have long to go. Since this photo I've gotten a lot lot bigger and so has the baby. Unfortunately the NHS don't do a 3rd scan for free unless there's a problem, otherwise I'd be able to have a more developed photo of the baby which would of been really nice to keep and just nice to have one from each trimester....

But anyway, I'm looking forward to having the baby. It's not long to go now... Both dead excited. Alec has been shopping for clothes and toys and we have the crib all set up ready, plus have the travel system, and all the feeding and bathing essentials, etc... I hope this baby likes Winnie the Pooh :-)

Will try to keep this blog updated when I hve more time... until then I have many words to write for my dissertation before the baby is born so I better keep going...

Melly xx